
Price list

How prices are determined?

Licensed roadside assistance does not mean that we work expensively. The prices we offer you are attractive and we can always renegotiate them for you. It is important that the customer does not stay on the road and be satisfied. Prices vary according to distance, condition, weight and type of vehicle..

Roadside assistance, car transport - Negotiable
Roadside assistance, car transport

Loading and unloading fee
Loading and unloading fee - Negotiable

Night rate (after 18:00h. to 07:00h.) : Negotiable
Night rate (after 18:00h. to 07:00h.)

Discount Negotiable

Transportation of cars to the Traffic Police for registration : Negotiable
Transportation of cars to the Traffic Police for registration

We accept cash and non-cash payments by credit / debit card.
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